How To Avoid Chazz In Your Banger

Got Vape is back to help you master your dabbing rigs by diving into a very sticky subject involving the accumulation of what has been commonly dubbed “chazz”.
Acting as your very own phantom of the e-rig, this mysterious substance has had people scratching their heads across the world over why it shows up, how you can get rid of it, and what the heck it actually is!
That’s why for this week's Got Vape investigation we are going to be piling into the mystery machine and heading out to remove the mask of this “chazz” and see what’s hiding underneath.
Keep reading to make your chazz say “I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling vapers!
What Is Chazz?
Onto the question of the day, what in fact IS chazz?
Chazz is the term used by dabbers online and across the globe to reference the oil stains that can appear on your banger after long term usage.
The word chazz will often appear in phrases like “why is your banger chazzed mate?” or as a stand alone term like “chazzed banger” to refer to the state of your rig.
You will most likely see chazz on both the sides of your banger, as well as on the bottom where there are any creases where oil can accumulate over time. It looks brownish or more yellow depending on what type of concentrates you have been vaping and how long it's been building.
Think of chazz as a “wax shadow” within your bangers, a remembrance of dabbing sessions past that unfortunately if left unattended can become more or a detriment, than a reminder that you had some nice dabs.
Why Is It Called Chazz?
So uh, why is it called chazz?
Well despite my best efforts to popularize the term in reference to eating copious amounts of cheese while listening to jazz, the term actually comes from the internet its self, where it has quickly taken on a life of its own.
Some reddit historians attribute the term to a Frenchman names "Chazz Le Banger" but these reports are inconclusive.
For a comparable “real world” term, some dabbing experts have pointed to the scientific concept of “devitrification” or when crystals / whitish scum build up on glass. The unifying concept being the notice that something is building up slowly over time, where you wouldn’t expect it to.

Why Does Chazz Accumulate?
Chazz is the result of small or even minuscule amounts of burnt oil building up over time until you can notice a stain on the side of your banger while it's cool and not in use.
Oftentimes the biggest causes of chazz are when bangers are heated past their proper points, thus the oil isn’t properly vaporizers and instead burns itself into your rig.
Additionally, as your banger is being repeatedly heated with different concentrates, the simple fact of the matter is it is incredibly hard for every single session to end with 100% of the material being vaporized and leaving your banger.
What’s The Problem with Chazz?
The issues with chazz are twofold. First, you have the aesthetic issue where having your quartz banger looking like a used q-tip is just an unpleasant reality to have to deal with. Seeing the dirty banger can make you less stoked on hitting your piece, and is just an overall eye sore.
The second issue is slightly more important, chazz can interfere with the tastes of your concentrate clouds. Their presence can slowly seep into the fresh materials as they are vaporizing in your banger simultaneously.

How Can I Prevent Chazz?
There are a couple of very easy ways to reduce the chazz build up in your bangers. Although as a note don’t feel bad if you seemingly do everything right, but you're still seeing chazz build up.
It only takes missing a little bit of oil once or forgetting to clean one night to begin the build up of chazz, so its appearance isn’t necessarily a judgment that you’ve done something wrong. Luckily for us chazz can be all but eliminated through the application of the following two methods used in tandem.
The first method is to clean your banger after each and every hit you take. While this can be a bit of a hassle at first, once you get into the rhythm it's fairly simple to wait for your banger to cool off and then apply a q-tip or cotton swab to clean any leftover oils.
This lets you nip the problem in the bud before it ever begins, you are cleaning out the oils that could lead to chazz build up. Check out the Wulf Mods Cotton Swab 300pk for a perfect collection of high quality but still cheap swabs.
Having these on hand will make cleaning up after each hit easy and thus make you more likely to commit to the ritual of cleaning.
The second way to prevent chazz is to avoid ever overheating your concentrates in the first place. For E-Rigs this can be easy to accomplish, simply avoid the top 20% of temperatures that your device is capable of and you will be protecting yourself from these scorching hot heats.
For example the Puffco Storm Peak Pro with 3DXL has a temperature range from 400˚ - 644˚F, so if you were looking to avoid chazz we would recommend never going higher than 550˚F. This is in no way an exact science, so if you happen to prefer hot dabs that’s no problem, just make sure to make up for it with a slightly more rigorous clean afterwards!
How Can I Clean Chazz?
No matter if it's because you’ve owned your banger for an extended amount of time or you happened to have a particularly wild session with friends - sometimes chazz is just going to end up appearing.
When it does, all you need to do is get yourself some high % isopropyl alcohol or a comparable brand name product such as Grunge Off and let your banger soak in it for anywhere from several hours to a full day.
The point is to seriously let your banger soak in the alcohol to allow for the deeply and densely built up chazz to begin to break down. This process happens incredibly slowly, so leaving your banger in for a longer period of time will let it have time to properly work.
It may even take several treatments to get the chazz off but eventually it will disappear.
We also recommend that in between soakings, if you notice that the chazz is still present, is to scrub the area with a q-tip damped with isopropyl alcohol to see if any of it lifts off.
It takes a bit of good old fashioned elbow grease, so don’t be deterred if at first it doesn’t work.
All That Chazz
That’s a wrap on chazz now that you know what it is, how to prevent it, and how you can work to remove it once it shows up!
With dabbing being such a relatively new experience, we are always going to be finding new ways and methods to deal with issues like chazz - so make sure to check back here for any updates at our official Got Vape Blog! Have a great session!